Monday, August 25, 2008

Submit your posts to Cancer Carnival #13

The next edition of the Cancer Research Blog Carnival will be hosted by Walter at Highlight HEALTH on Friday, September 5. Get your posts in here.

If you want to host a future edition, leave us a comment or email us at bayblab[at]

Hosting Guidelines

If you're interested in hosting a future edition of the Cancer Researh Blog Carnival (and we're always looking for new hosts!), first pick a day that you're interested in hosting. Upcoming editions and their availability are listed on the sidebar. Only the next three carnivals are listed, but if you prefer one further out that's no problem.

Once you find a date that suits you, let us know that you want to host. The best way to do that is to email bayblab[at] or use the contact form.

After you've been approved as a host (sorry: active bloggers only, no spam blogs) you'll be added to the list and will begin receiving submissions. Submissions made through will be automatically sent to the email address you provide. Submissions made by other means will be forwarded to you.

Hosting Responsibilities
Traditionally, hosts of the CRBC have done it in a straightforward style. Hosts of other carnivals sometimes take a more literary approach, presenting posts as imagined conversations or even choose-your-own-adventure stories. Your style as host is entirely up to you, as long as you include links to the posts submitted and a link back to this site. As host it will be your job to weed out spam or off-topic posts from those that fit criteria for inclusion. For first time carnival hosts, it's a good idea to check out previous editions of this carnival (on the right).

Once you're selected as a host, you should announce it on your blog, including the edition number, the date it will be posted and an link to the submission form. A repeat announcement a week before the carnival is due to be published is a good idea as well. Similarly, this site will be updated with information about your upcoming edition and again once it's published.

If you feel there isn't enough material for the carnival, you can solicit entries from bloggers if you've seen recent posts that warrant inclusion. Be polite about it and please don't spam other sites. A blog carnival is dependent on submissions from bloggers and it doesn't help to piss them off.

When it's time to post, try to do it in a timely manner. The carnival publishes the first Friday of each month. It doesn't have to be the crack of dawn, but ideally not the stroke of midnight either.

Most importantly, have fun and enjoy the great content our readers have submitted.

Submission Guidelines

The Cancer Research Blog Carnival publishes the first Friday of each month and, like all blog carnivals, is dependent on reader submissions to keep going.

The CRBC is devoted to all things cancer-related. Topics include (but aren't limited to):

  • Cancer biology
  • Animal models of human disease
  • Cancer diagnostics
  • Treatment and therapeutics
  • Cancer genetics
  • Living with cancer
  • Debunking cancer quacks and related woo
  • Other cancer news (new facilities, funding initiatives, etc.)

Due to the subject material, we often get submissions touting the latest miracle diet cure. Posts that are sales pitches, spam or otherwise off-topic will not be included. Inclusion or exclusion of a post will be done at the discretion of the monthly host.

How to submit

After writing a cancer post, submission to the Cancer Research Blog Carnival is easy and can be done several ways:

  1. The submission form
  2. Contact the host of the upcoming edition directly with a link to your post (see sidebar for future hosts)
  3. Email your link to bayblab[at]
  4. Leave your link in a comment on this site (a good spot would be posts announcing upcoming editions)

Welcome to the CRBC!

The Cancer Research Blog Carnival (CRBC) is a monthly collection of the best cancer-related posts from around the blogosphere. The carnival was founded August 24, 2007 by Anonymous Coward at the Bayblab and has steadily grown in both size and quality over the past year. The Cancer Research Blog Carnival is published on the first friday of each month. Previous editions can be found on the right-hand sidebar.

Why the new site?
Until now, Bayblab has been the home of the CRBC (and are still its proud parents). The aim of the new site is to enhance the visibility of the CRBC and build the community that has grown around it, archive previous editions and as a central place for announcements and news regarding the carnival.